Elderberry Are Back

When we first bought our property, elderberry grew everywhere throughout the property. Over the years it has pretty much disappeared. This year it is back. I don’t know why it disappeared but we are pleased to see its return.

Elderberry (Red) Sambucus racemosaNatural. Wild.

Honeysuckle family. Shrub to 10’.
Stems, which are easily broken, have thick pithy centres.
Buds large, opposite, many-scaled.
Flowers: yellowish-white, in pyramidal clusters of tiny flowers on top of persistent stalks. Blooms April-June.
Fruit: red berries. Berries are suspected of being poisonous to humans, birds relish them.
Leaves bruised and decocted – use as an insect repellent.
Make a strong infusion of flowers and use as a skin toner.
Surrounded by a wide healing aura
Plant near a house to protect against disease and evil
Carry a twig for good luck and health.
Means: zealousness.

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6 Responses to Elderberry Are Back

  1. hernibs says:

    Yes, we need hope restored all over our world.


  2. I love the waves of spring – restores my hope for the world.


  3. hernibs says:

    😌 Good point, went underground to deal with the roots. Now it’s thriving and beautiful again. Light and Love over all.


  4. Heather says:

    Aha! It was not killed off. It only went into hibernation. Perhaps it was working underground to clear things up.😁😁. Time to put a field of light over your 11 acres and throughout it. Get the Angel of Hard to Find on the job with you. Together you can!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. hernibs says:

    Yes, I found that part interesting. I wonder if negative energies killed it off for a few years? 🧐 Happy to have it back again.


  6. Heather says:

    Sounds like a gifting plant! So many helpful uses! Especially protecting the house from negative energies!

